The Propagation of Misinformation in Social Media

There is growing awareness about how social media circulate extreme viewpoints and turn up the temperature of public debate. Posts that exhibit agitation garner disproportionate engagement. Within this clamour, fringe sources and viewpoints are mainstreaming, and mainstream media are marginalized. This book takes up the mainstreaming of the fringe and the marginalization of the mainstream. In a cross-platform analysis of Google Web Search, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, 4chan and TikTok, we found that hyperpartisan web operators, alternative influencers and ambivalent commentators are in ascendency. The book can be read as a form of platform criticism. It puts on display the current state of information online, noting how social media platforms have taken on the mantle of accidental authorities, privileging their own on-platform performers and at the same time adjudicating between claims of what is considered acceptable discourse.

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CreationDate 2023-03-27 00:00
Creator Rogers, Richard,,
External Identifier DOI:10.5117/9789463720762
Field/Scope of use Any use
Group Others
Owner Rogers, Richard,,
Sublicense rights No
Territory of use World Wide
Thematic Cluster Web Analytics [WA]
Thematic Cluster Visual Analytics [VA]
system:type Method
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Author Bainotti Lucia
Maintainer Bainotti Lucia
Version 1
Last Updated 25 May 2023, 11:57 (CEST)
Created 25 May 2023, 11:57 (CEST)