Validation of the Deep Gravity model

We conducted experiments on mobility flows in England, Italy, and New York State to show that Deep Gravity achieves a significant increase in performance, especially in densely populated regions of interest, with respect to the classic gravity model and models that do not use deep neural networks or geographic data. We also demonstrate that Deep Gravity has good generalization capability, generating realistic flows also for geographic areas for which there is no data availability for training. Finally, we show how flows generated by Deep Gravity may be explained in terms of the geographic features and highlight crucial differences among the three considered countries interpreting the model’s prediction with explainable AI techniques.

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Group Sustainable Cities for Citizens
Involved People Pappalardo, Luca,,
State Complete
Thematic Cluster Human Mobility Analytics [HMA]
system:type Experiment
Management Info
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Author Luca Pappalardo
Maintainer Pappalardo Luca
Version 1
Last Updated 14 September 2023, 22:28 (CEST)
Created 24 November 2021, 10:14 (CET)