EMODnet Human Activities_WasteDisposal_DumpedMunitions

The dataset on dumped munitions was created by CETMAR as a result of the aggregation of data provided by several sources or reports of OSPAR commission, MED POL, Spain Ministry of Defense and Maritime Administration of Latvia. Shapes with munition dumping sites define polygons and points features in Baltic sea, North Sea, Celtic Seas, Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay and Mediterranean Sea. Information was picked form different official sources depending on the country. Each point or polygon has the following attributes (where available): type of munition (Conventional and/or Chemical) and distance to coast (meters). The distance to coast (EEA coastline shapefile) has been calculated using the UTM WGS84 Zone projected coordinate system where data fall in. The dataset will be updated according the availability of data and is available for viewing and download on EMODnet - Human Activities web portal (www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu).

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by MapBox
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Geonetwork Links
Field Value
GN_Metadata_Show http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/srv/en/catalog.search#/metadata/714aeb0a-e90a-406d-9fb1-3e5cba63a492
GN_Metadata_Source http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork/srv/en/xml.metadata.get?uuid=714aeb0a-e90a-406d-9fb1-3e5cba63a492
GN_URL http://www.emodnet.eu/geonetwork
Additional Info
Field Value
access_constraints ["no limitation"]
bbox-east-long 34.59
bbox-north-lat 70.09
bbox-south-lat 34.56
bbox-west-long -10.58
contact-email socioeconomia@cetmar.org
[{"type": "publication", "value": "2018-04-09"}]
GUID 714aeb0a-e90a-406d-9fb1-3e5cba63a492
licence ["Re-use of content for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the sources (both EMODnet - Human Activities, and primary sources) are acknowledged. EMODnet - Human Activities accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website."]
metadata-date 2018-07-10
metadata-language eng
point_of_contact 1 socioeconomia@cetmar.org
point_of_contact 10 Frank.Janssens@mil.be
point_of_contact 11 info@mumm.ac.be
point_of_contact 12 helcom.secretariat@helcom.fi
point_of_contact 2 secretariat@ospar.org
point_of_contact 3 gcoll@fn.mde.es
point_of_contact 4 webmaster@shom.fr
point_of_contact 5 navarea@lhd.lv
point_of_contact 6 gkokosis@dls.moi.gov.cy
point_of_contact 7 infor@morh.hr
point_of_contact 8 valerio.sammarini@isprambiente.it
point_of_contact 9 valerio.sammarini@isprambiente.it
resource-type dataset
[{"name": "Ministry of Defence. Republic of Cyprus", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "HELCOM", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "Independent Public Relations and Publishing Department. Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE-Maritime Administration of Latvia", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "OSPAR Commission", "roles": ["owner"]}, {"name": "Ministry of Defence. Spain", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models and the Scheldt estuary (MUMM)", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "Servizio emergenze ambientali in mare (SEAM).", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "CETMAR", "roles": ["processor"]}, {"name": "Servizio emergenze ambientali in mare (SEAM)", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "SHOM", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}, {"name": "ABNL Naval Mine Warfare Mission Support Centre Royal Netherlands Navy Command / Directorate of Operations / Maritime Warfare Centre / Naval Mine Warfare / Mission Support Centre Ministry of Defence.", "roles": ["resourceProvider"]}]
{"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-10.58, 34.56], [34.59, 34.56], [34.59, 70.09], [-10.58, 70.09], [-10.58, 34.56]]]}
spatial_harvester true
system:type Dataset
topic_category intelligenceMilitary, planningCadastre, environment
Management Info
Field Value
Author Centro Tecnologico del Mar - FundaciĆ³n CETMAR
Maintainer bluebridge_catalogue_one
Last Updated 27 September 2019, 23:19 (CEST)
Created 27 September 2019, 23:19 (CEST)