11 items found

Types: ExternalService

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  • ExternalService

    The Food Security Resource Repository (FSRR)

    The Food Security Resource Repository (FSRR) is an inventory for models related to food security. These models are used in major foresight initiatives and studies.
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  • ExternalService


    The webservice BfR-WarenstromInfo allows the user to easily extract data of trade in goods between countries from two different databases: The EUROSTAT database "EU trade since...
    • The resource: 'WarenstromInfo tool' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • ExternalService

    Backend service

    It is a system that allows efficient reporting of potential food poisoning outbreaks. Consumers will be able to report a potential problem through third party applications and...
  • ExternalService

    Network-based signal resonance for food-source identification in foodborne di...

    Model for identification of food-source in foodborne disease outbreaks.
    • HTML
      The resource: 'Network-based signal ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    Private Edit FSKX file online

  • ExternalService

    Predictive Microbial Modelling and QMRA Software Directory

    A listing of tools available for predictive modelling in foods and quantitative microbial risk assessment
    • URL
      The resource: 'Predictive Microbial ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    Private Online Creation of Harmonized Models for Rakip_Trial

    Allows the creation and download of harmonized models in FSKX format. Click the link to get to the KNIME webservice hosted by the Federal Institute of Risk Assessment. Please...
  • ExternalService


    Entry page for RAKIP community resources
  • ExternalService

    Predictive Microbial Modelling and QMRA Software Directory

    A listing of tools available for predictive modelling in foods and quantitative microbial risk assessment
    • URL
      The resource: 'Predictive Microbial ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • ExternalService


    The open Food Safety Model Repository (openFSMR) is a community driven search engine for predictive microbial models.
    • URL
      The resource: 'OpenFSMR' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Access required...



    Private Online Creation of Harmonized Models

    Allows the creation and download of harmonized models in FSKX format. Click the link to get to the KNIME webservice hosted by the Federal Institute of Risk Assessment. Please...