65 items found

Tags: Web data

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  • Dataset

    NYSE transactions

    This dataset contains financial data on the price of the top 250 most liquid assets of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) from 2006 to 2014. The dataset contains transactions,...
  • Dataset

    FED data

    March 2001- September 2013 quarterly data of US banks' holdings. The number of financial institutions present in the data is pretty stable during quarters, starting from...
  • Dataset

    Dataset Adult

    The adult dataset includes $48,842$ instances with demographic information like age, workclass, marital-status, race, capital-loss, capital-gain etc. The income attribute...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Introduction to Data Curation

    This course is an introduction to data collection, data preparation & transformation and data analysis. It contains the essential concepts for a researcher in order to...
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  • Dataset


    The ClueWeb09 dataset consists of about 1 billion web pages in ten languages that were collected in January and February 2009. It was created to support research on...
  • Dataset

    Official administrative information of Tuscany

    The data contains the spatial partitioning of Tuscany and some statistical information published by the Italian Statistical Bureau.
    • LOD
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  • Dataset

    German Credit

    In the german credit dataset each one of the 1,000 persons is classified as a good or bad creditor according to attributes like age, sex, checking_account, credit_amount,...
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  • Dataset

    Russell 3000 stock prices

    This dataset contains the price and volume of the 3000 stocks belonging to the Russell 3000 Index, roughly corresponding to the 3000 more capitalized stocks. Traded volume and...
  • Dataset

    .ee Web archive

    .ee Web archive consisting of snapshots from 2015
  • Dataset

    Retail Market Data

    This dataset contains Retail Market Data about food products, from 2007, for about 130 shops of an Italian Distribution chain. Data are of about 1 M of Active Clients, and...
  • Dataset


    The compas dataset contains the features used by the COMPAS algorithm for scoring defendants and their risk (Low, Medium and High), for over $4,000$ individuals. We considered...
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  • Experiment

    Self-Rated Health Among Italian Immigrants Living in Norway: A Cross-Sectiona...

    Most of the respondents (69%) rated their Health as “good” or “very good”. This figure was not significantly different with the Norwegian population, nor to the Italians...
  • Dataset

    Interaction bias. Experiments dataset

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used to build Decision Support Systems (DSS) across many domains. In our work, we conducted a series of experiments designed to...
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  • Experiment

    Estimating and understanding countries' peace index with GDELT

    Our objective is to measure the Global Peace Index (GPI) at a monthly frequency, as compared to the official annual GPI score, to have more frequent updates of peacefulness....
  • Experiment

    Multi-flow Composition in video streaming channels

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Application

    Twitter Monitor

    The Twitter Monitor is an interactive Web application designed to access the Twitter stream by exploiting the public Twitter Streaming APIs. The application can manage...
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  • Experiment

    Studying the streaming of the Capitol Raid

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Method

    Estimating countries' peace index with GDELT

    We use news media attention from the Global Data of Events, Location and Tone (GDELT) database, as a proxy for estimating Global Peace Index (GPI), to complement the knowledge...
  • Experiment

    Rhythm management in video streaming channels

    This experiment is part the project "Streams of conspiratorial folklore" that investigates online media as a stream of performances, rather than as archives of documents. Our...
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  • Application

    SMAPH Query Entity Linker

    The SMAPH system links queries to the entities it mentions, disambiguating mentions if needed. Entities are Wikipedia pages. This problem is known as "entity recognition and...
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