109 items found

Types: DataMiner Process

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    DataMiner Process

    Private Getplantheight Fromphenoarch in FoodSecurity

    This algorithm produces a csv file with plant height of the phenotyping experiment ZA17 from the platform PhenoArch {Published by Alice Boizet (aliceboizet) on 2018/11/20...
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Ndvi Analysisv2 in AgroClimaticModelling

    v2 {Published by Wouter Meijninger (wouter.meijninger) on 2019/04/25 12:04 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Agrodatacube Field Crop Simulation in AgroClimaticModeling_trial

    Runs a wofost crop simulation for a single field from the AgroDataCube {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/03/01 14:24 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Brapi Get Studies Observations in FoodSecurity

    Returns all observations where there are measurements for the given study and if so the given observation variables {Published by Alice Boizet (aliceboizet) on 2019/09/16 14:18...
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Feed Forward Ann in AGINFRAplusDev

    A method to train a generic Feed Forward Artifical Neural Network in order to simulate a function from the features space (R^n) to R. Uses the Back-propagation method. Produces...
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Agrodatacube Field Crop Simulation in AgroClimaticModelling

    Runs a wofost crop simulation for a single field from the AgroDataCube {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/03/01 14:24 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Crop Simulations For Region V1 in AGINFRAplusDev

    Runs WOFOST crop simulations for fields from the AgroDataCube within a user-defined geometry. {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/06/13 14:13 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Preinstalledeardetection in FoodSecurity

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    DataMiner Process

    Private Support Vector Machine Regressor in AGINFRAplusDev

    A simple algorithm for regression using and already trained Support Vector Machine